Heya! I'm fullstack developer and life-long learner,from India, living in ON, Canada. I enjoy learning new technologies and collaborating with other developers to make products a reality. I also enjoy open-source, and despite having a full-time job, I devote time to exploring open-source projects and studying their tech stack and coding conventions.
Fun but sad fact: I often misspelled the return keyword. i.e, “reutrn”. let me know if you have any trick so that I can avoid this mistake.(P.S. thanks to linter for preventing me to broke pipeline of the deployment 😅)
Tech Stack
React : My go to library for SPA(single-page applications)
Redux Toolkit : When state gets complex
Next.js : Learned for making server-side application and this website ;-)
MySQL : Good old RDBMS
Prisma : TypeScript ORM when working with databases
Python : Taking CS50P for learning Python.
and many more to get the work done.
Visual Studio Code : My All time favourite text editor with super powers.
Figma : Figma for turning UI/UX design into real Product
GitHub : For versioning my code, transfer my code to remote and to share it with other devs
Slack : Communication is must and also lots of Open-Source community is on it so to interact with maintainer and collaborate with devs
Discord : Initially joined to talked with Gamer, however later found awesome community.
and many more.